Friday, August 30, 2013

wednesday  critique me
i like this picture because it has the water coming in front of the paris hotel in vegas.
red violet
I dont really like the color red violet.I like to wear the color red violet , but i would not paint my walls red violet.
thursday 8/29/13
critique you : SHA-BLAM Paytons picture was very pretty it showed a lot of nature ,it also was pretty seeing the diffrent blues between the sky and water.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

tuesday-aquatic life 80% of the earth is made up of water,and there is alot that about the ocean that we still do not know.There are thousands and thousdand of animals in the ocean .But there are millions and millions of aquatic animals that have yet to be discovered.

Monday, August 26, 2013

monday blog - I like that this class is relaxed and funny .Also that we get to do fun projects.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Hi my names Samantha, I curently take photagraphy2.I am taking art because I will be able to learn alot of usefull information about photography while still having fun.My aspiration in life is to become a Doctor.My favorite style of art is free hand drawings.